Jana Frazier Multifamily Leadership Summit Speaker | MASTERMIND

Jana Frazier, Director of Recruiting at IMT Residential, shares her expertise and insights regarding what it takes to build a great culture of success for Multifamily Operators. She brings great Human Resources insight into how IMT Residential keeps it a “people-focused” business.


QUESTION 1: What are some challenges and fears that you’ve faced and been able to overcome?

  1. Fear
    1. Experiencing a fear of failure
    2. Questioning – Am I the best person to take this on?
  2. Solutions
    1. Collaboration
    2. Request feedback
    3. Support

QUESTION 2: What is one great achievement or career milestone that you’ve experienced and do you have any pointers?

  1. Promotion
    1. Job role evolution
    2. See what the company needs and offer a solution to that
    3. Might not be within your day-to-day duties
    4. Become a tremendous asset to organization

QUESTION 3: What is the best way to present new ideas to executives?

  1. Conversations differ with executives
    1. Put the “HR” jargon aside
    2. Be very succinct and get to the point quickly
    3. Be ready to answer for ROI
  2. Transition
    1. Focus on business operations rather than just your specialty
    2. Be able to name the problem and then the solution

QUESTION 4: How do you get people on board when they’ve already objected to an idea and what do you learn to do differently in your process?

  1. Big Roll-Out
    1. Begin to use the wording from the new program
    2. Just put the words out there
    3. Makes associates comfortable with the new change/program
    4. Facilitates early adoption

QUESTION 5: What is one tip you can give to others that is unique to yourself – a “success tip”?

  1. Start and Finish Your Day
    1. What am I going to do to add value today?
    2. What did I do to add value today?
    3. Honest evaluation


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