Multifamily Leadership Summit Driving Directions
Driving directions from Sky Harbor International Airport
Take the loop 202 east and follow it to the loop 101 north exit.
Proceed north on 101 through Scottsdale and turn left at the Indian Bend exit.
Turn right at Hayden Road and then turn left at McCormick Parkway.
The resort is on the north side of McCormick Parkway.
From Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport
Take the loop 202 West to the Loop 101 North Exit.
Proceed north on 101 through Scottsdale and turn left at the Indian Bend exit.
Turn right at Hayden Road and then turn left at McCormick Parkway.
The resort is on the north side of McCormick Parkway.
From Northeast Valley
Take loop 101 south through Scottsdale.
Turn right at the Via de Ventura exit and then right on Hayden Rd.
Turn right onto McCormick Parkway.
The resort will be on the north side of the McCormick Parkway.
From the Southeast Valley
Take the loop 101 north through Tempe/Scottsdale.
Turn left at Indian Bend exit.
Turn left onto Hayden Road.
Turn left onto McCormick Parkway.
The resort will be on the north side of McCormick Parkway.
From the Northwest Valley
Take Loop 101 north/east until it turns into the loop 101 south.
Turn right at the Via de Venture exit.
Turn left onto Hayden Road.
Turn right onto McCormick Parkway.
The resort will be on the north side of McCormick Parkway.
From the Southwest Valley
Take the I-10 east to the loop 202 east.
Take the 202 east to the loop 101 north.
Turn left at the Indian Bend exit.
Turn right onto Hayden Road.
Turn left onto McCormick Parkway.
The resort will be on the north side of McCormick Parkway