Home Automation as a Business Tool
In this interview, Patrick Antrim, CEO of Multifamily Leadership shares time with Sean Miller who is the President of PointCentral an Alarm.com subsidiary, and a leading developer of enterprise scale smart-home solutions for short and long-term property managers.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Opening remarks: What is PointCentral?
- Technology is transforming the way we are working in Multifamily. An inside look at meeting with Multifamily Executives.
- Home automation is not just resident enhancing. How PointCentral help property managers do their jobs more efficiently.
- Clip from Marco Vartanian Senior Vice President of Invitation Homes at the 2017 Multifamily Leadership Summit.
- The future of the Leasing Agent in Multifamily. What does the future look like in our roles in the future?
- PointCentral to provide platorm and enable companies to innovate.
- Unattended showings with keyless locks to improve security and remove the cost to maintain a key system
- Capture data – who long they were there looking at the apartment. Provide new prospective residents the opportunity to tour an apartment without the leasing agent.
- Innovations are happening quicker than before.
- PointCentral working together with companies so they can transform.
Based on how a leader serves their residents and owners, they need to have people in the organization that understand what technology can do today and have a vision of what technology can do in the future.
- Leaders can roll out new services like self-show tours, HVAC, water monitoring/etc. Take a look at new and unique ways to deploy services with sensors.
- PointCentral wants to partner with property managers to understand how you want to manage your property, who are you serving, what do you want to do. Once they know this they can begin with one pain point to get started adding value.
- Once you implement, you will explore more opportunities to evolve.
- How does PointCentral make sure everything is used in the right way. How they support companies in the process. The property manager needs buy in from executive to field and align with the right partner. Need right training with the right teams at the right time. The partner must have the resources to deploy this system with you.
- What is the risk of making the wrong decision for those who want to do smart home technology on their own? Hardware is not very technically risky. What can we do to help to make sure the right data gets to the property manager at the right time vs. flooding them with information.
- The consumer is driving the experience. The millennial experience.
- Can we be a 24-hour leasing? Millenials enjoy being in more control. 1/3 of US household have some automation tech. For renters, it’s been a confusing topic.
- Clip from Marco Vartanian Senior Vice President Innovation Homes.
PointCentral’s job is to provide a platform that is reliable and that’s why we use cellular connections. We have roboust data security and data privacy policies. We get the data to and from the house reliably. Then our job is to get the information to the management company in a way that is useful. We take a very flexible approach to make sure that data flows.
- What are the risks? Now that awareness is growing people are tempted to just buy smart home technology on Amazon or local retailer. They are not thinking throught how to control the devices and how they are protecting the data.
- The ability to get rid of keys, key management systems with work order integration. This is a significant ROI on the platform.
- What are the trends in adoption of multifamily smart home automation tech?
- The PointCentral support system and team-
- What can we expect with business interruption deploying a smart home technology?
- Sean Miller’s final thoughts.
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