Making Brand Ambassadors of Employees with Cyndy Trivella

Cyndy Trivella began her career in Human Resource Marketing and Communications on Madison Avenue in New York City. Prior to that, she worked in corporate human resources as a training and development coordinator. Cyndy has multiple years of media planning, along with corporate and employer branding strategy experience. She is the co-creator of the #OMCchat which stands for Open Mic Career Chat a job seeker advocate on Twitter, She is the Events Manager at TalentCulture and the #WorkTrends events and is the Chief Revenue Officer for WorkScene, a social platform for hiring companies to attract, convert and hire desired talent.
When it comes to organizations, give your employees a reason to want to be an advocate for you. – Cyndy Trivella
And today, she’s here with us today talking about how the employer ambassador is the best person to tell your company story and what motivates companies to develop employer brands. She shares the difference between employer reputation and employer brand. How companies can improve talent attraction with employee referrals. And who’s responsible for employee engagement, why employees should take ownership and play their role in the process. Cyndy dives into company’s obligation for diversity and the innovation that comes from having it. How companies can amplify the voice of employees. How employer an ambassador program can lead to new rentals. We talk about the “we’ve always done it this way” leadership mindset and the Return on Investment of an employer ambassador program and how it impacts Net Operating Income.
Cyndy Trivella’s Twitter: @CyndyTrivella
Cyndy’s Book Recommendation: The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval
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